Help and advice on car seat safety for your baby up to 12 months - Picket&Rail Custom Furniture Interiors Help and advice on car seat safety for your baby up to 12 months

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Help and advice on car seat safety for your baby up to 12 months old

Maxi-Cosi, a leading manufacturer of baby car seats, has recently released a worrying statistic - 75% of baby car seats secured with a seat belt are fitted incorrectly. This is a concerning figure, as the safety of young passengers is of utmost importance while traveling in a car. Car seat safety cannot be overlooked.


To ensure that your child is safe and secure in their car seat, there are several things that parents and carers should check before every trip. Firstly, it's essential to remove any thick coats or clothing before strapping a baby into their car seat. Bulky clothing can prevent the harness from fitting snugly around the child's body, potentially causing them to slip out of the seat in the event of an accident.


Checking that the harness is straight and free of twists is crucial once the child is dressed appropriately. Twisted straps can also prevent the harness from fitting correctly and can cause discomfort for the child during the journey. Make sure to tightly fasten the harness and leave no more than one finger's width of space between the chest buckle and the child's body.


Ensuring the correct installation of the car seat is also crucial. One should securely fasten the car seat to the vehicle's seat, making sure there is no movement in any direction. Incorrect installation of the car seat can cause it to shift during the journey, posing a potential risk of harm to the child in the event of an accident.

To ensure proper installation and usage of the car seat, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Many car seats come with detailed instructions and user manuals, which provide guidance on how to install and use the seat correctly.

Expiration Date

Finally, it's worth remembering that car seats have an expiration date. Most car seats are designed to last for around six years, after which they should be replaced. It's important to check the expiration date of the car seat and replace it if necessary to ensure the safety of the child during every journey.

In conclusion, ensuring that a baby car seat is fitted correctly is crucial for the safety of young passengers. By following these simple checks and guidelines, parents and carers can help to ensure that their child is safe and secure during every car trip.

Watch our videos below on:

1. How to install a baby car seat with the seat belt


2. How to install a baby car seat with an Isofix base


3. How to fasten your baby in car seat

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